Manhattan Personal Injury Lawyer Glenn Herman Shares Insight Into the 2020 Future Administration


What Can New Yorker’s Expect From a New Biden Harris Democratic Administration v. a Continuation of a Trump Pence Republican Administration

 Democrat v. Republican in New York City

Three things a New Yorker should know with a Biden/Democratic vs Trump/Republican Administration

1.The Covid 19 Global Pandemic: The Coronavirus has, to date, killed over 234,000 Americans. On November 4, the country set an ominous record of having 107,872 reported coronavirus cases on a single day. This unfortunate increase was predicted five months ago by Dr. Anthony Fauci when he testified before Congress. With the winter and cold and flu season approaching, it is anticipated that case numbers and deaths will rise.

If Joe Biden takes the White House, we can expect a national plan to combat this deadly virus. Whether that will be a national mask wearing mandate or other actions to slow the spread of the virus remains to be seen. Currently, even though the Trump Administration put together a Corona Virus Task Force, the decision of what should be done to slow the spread of the virus was left to the individual state governments. What we have seen is that democratic state governors pushed for lock downs, social distancing and mandatory wearing of masks whereas republican state governors were lax to order lockdowns or enforce mask wearing and gatherings of large groups.

The measures put into place by many of the democratic governors in fact had the effect of significantly lowering the spread of the virus and the number of deaths.
Many of the states that refused to order lock downs, mask wearing and distancing measures, however, are seeing a dramatic rise in cases and deaths.
The Trump Administration has yet to recommend a national plan to slow the spread of the virus and inexplicably held rallies throughout the country without enforcement measures. As a result, the parts of the country where those rallies were…


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