Slip/trip And Fall

All property owners, residential and commercial, have the duty to ensure safe environments for all visitors. If you have been harmed by a hazardous condition on another’s sidewalk, personal residence, restaurant, mall, hotel, office building school, park, theater, museum or other property, you may be eligible to file a premises liability claim and receive compensation for your injury.
“Slip and Fall” injuries commonly occur from uneven or slippery surfaces but can also be the result of:
Although premises liability law seeks to protect parties who are injured as the result of the property owner’s negligence, it is often difficult to prove liability especially if the owner has corrected the hazardous condition. To ensure that the proper grounds for your claim are met, you should contact us as we have the experience necessary to help you collect compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and even emotional trauma.
Our personal injury law firm can assess your injury and assist you in determining whether the property owner failed to maintain his or her property or properly warn of hazardous conditions. For your claim to be successful, it must be shown that the property owner knew about the hazardous situation and failed to correct it in a timely manner, and that the action or inaction of the property owner caused the condition which led to your injury.
Once liability has been established, we will work with you in proving a direct causal relationship between the hazard on the property and the injury that you suffered.
We will represent you aggressively so you can take care of what is most important—recovering from your injury and regaining your health.

We Fight For Your Maximum Injury Compensation

Our New York City Personal Injury attorneys take the time to learn every aspect of your case during our initial meeting in order to properly evaluate the full extent of the damages you or a loved one have suffered.

Don’t get injured twice! Never settle a claim with an insurance company before seeking legal Advice!



T: 718-590-5616


T: 212-966-1928